Bundist Movement

Bundist Movement
Jewish NOT Zionist

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Free the Diaspora with Proletarian Doikeit

By Isaiah Kamatstein 

 I am very fortunate that my Boyfriend's sister had the Money and shared interests for us to take a trip to Venezuela. My Boyfriend and I were able to take Uri Adiah and Marvin Eliyahu with us, so we did. We wanted to take Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua with us but he regrettably could not come with us it is strange to see the place is exactly how he said it would be. When we got back to America we were intercepted by U.S Intel and each of us were forced to sign a statement not to talk about much of the things we saw, we also had to sign a statement not mentioning which part of U.S Intel intercepted us upon our return to America. All of our pictures confiscated and all of our visual and audio recordings were erased, my Boyfriend is going to be pressing charges so maybe we can at least get the pictures back. I know what I can and can not say about Venezuela so I will keep it brief. Seeing how much the indigenous of Venezuela support Nicolás Maduro, and then coming back to America to see how much no one cares about them yet can care enough to support Juan Guaidó who only represents the colonial spanish Oligarchy along side their U.S Imperialist masters exposes White Privilege as being the blood of Capitalism. Venezuela has nothing to sell to the Global economy except for Oil, all the money goes to the  indigenous and mixed Peoples of Venezuela. America wishes to get that Venezuelan Oil cheaper with the help of Juan Guaidó. I think the strangest thing in Venezuela is that they have very Corporatized media, all the channels say bad things about Nicolás Maduro except for the Government channel.

The Jewish Nation is based on Culture and Religion.
The Black Nation is based on Culture and Ethnicity.

Not every Culture constitutes a Nation, however every Nation constitutes a Culture. This is necessary to say when explaining the Black Jewish connection. I'm not half Black because I struggle with the Black People just as much as did my father. I'm not half Jewish because there is no such thing. I am a Jewish Black. No person can hold two religions at the same time, any other such claims to the contrary are colonial. My father was a Black man, my mother is an Ashkenazi woman and she was born of a Jewish mother and passed it to me as is the cultural criteria for being raised Jewish. My father was a Jewish Black, there was no contradiction to that because Blackness is not dependent on religiosity, Jewishness is dependent on religiosity. Another factor is that religiosity is is not exclusive to religious observance.

The origin of Black Nationality started when people from the African Continent were sold to Europeans to work as chattel slaves. This Nation further developed through struggle with the aim of liberation that is still ongoing. But there is no White Nation, Whites can trace their lineage back to Europe without going to ancestry.com the same can not be said for Blacks. Europeans are born European but they are not born White, my mother may be European but that can never make me white as I do not benefit from Whiteness, ethnically I am half European and half African, but I am not an African in any sense of connection to African Nationality because Black Nationality stands apart. Not all Europeans are indoctrinated to be White and it is possible to shake off Whiteness.  It is possible for someone to have both African and Black Nationality, this is the case for Black South Africans, it is also the case for someone who has a Black parent and a North Afro-Arab parent. When an Arab Egyptian becomes a Citizen of the United States of America that person is by definition an African American and although such a person will encounter racism from Whites and possibly even Islamophobia that person will not have Black struggle that struggle will be Arab. The revolutionary Black Panther party were the political descendants of Malcolm X, founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. Huey P. Newton brought Marxism-Leninism into the Black Panther party and this would evolve the foundation of today what we know as Pantherism. Huey P. Newton was neutralized and through drugs and COINTELPRO, but this does not discredit Pantherism, nor does this discredit the work and writings that Huey P. Newton laboured. The problem at hand has to do with turning Black forefathers into Black idols. Malcolm X, Huey P. Newton, and Bobby Seale are pillars to Blackness but they are not infallible saints, their mistakes do not reflect ideology. Blackness is not Afrocentric because, firstly because afrocentricity does not exist and secondly because Black Nationality is separate from African Culture, although still very much related and rooted to such.

The origin of Jewish Nationality was when Moses was handed the Torah on Mount Sinai, and it hardly matters as to whether or not this is a mere story because the Torah Culture is the foundation to Jewishness. Even the most non observant person who is Jewish has Judaism. The Jewish Religion is a Diaspora Religion, and the Jewish Culture is the Torah Culture. Judaism is not a philosophy, the desire for some to define Judaism as a philosophy is rooted in a reaction and/or need to keep colonized Jewish people from straying, this attempt causes even further colonization. National-Cultural Autonomy for the Jewish Nation means freeing the Diaspora from the control of Whiteness. Whiteness is the continuity of Western Christian Dominance.

The first step to freeing the Diaspora is to Combat Liberalism as described by Mao. 

COMBAT LIBERALISM by Mao Tse-tung September 7, 1937

We stand for active ideological struggle because it is the weapon for ensuring unity within the Party and the revolutionary organizations in the interest of our fight. Every Communist and revolutionary should take up this weapon.

But liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, Philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration in certain units and individuals in the Party and the revolutionary organizations.
Liberalism manifests itself in various ways. 

To let things slide for the sake of peace and friendship when a person has clearly gone wrong, and refrain from principled argument because he is an old acquaintance, a fellow townsman, a schoolmate, a close friend, a loved one, an old colleague or old subordinate. Or to touch on the matter lightly instead of going into it thoroughly, so as to keep on good terms. The result is that both the organization and the individual are harmed. This is one type of liberalism. 

To indulge in irresponsible criticism in private instead of actively putting forward one's suggestions to the organization. To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs, or to say nothing at a meeting but to gossip afterwards. To show no regard at all for the principles of collective life but to follow one's own inclination. This is a second type. 

To let things drift if they do not affect one personally; to say as little as possible while knowing perfectly well what is wrong, to be worldly wise and play safe and seek only to avoid blame. This is a third type. 

Not to obey orders but to give pride of place to one's own opinions. To demand special consideration from the organization but to reject its discipline. This is a fourth type. 

To indulge in personal attacks, pick quarrels, vent personal spite or seek revenge instead of entering into an argument and struggling against incorrect views for the sake of unity or progress or getting the work done properly. This is a fifth type. 

To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without reporting them, but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened. This is a sixth type. 

To be among the masses and fail to conduct propaganda and agitation or speak at meetings or conduct investigations and inquiries among them, and instead to be indifferent to them and show no concern for their well-being, forgetting that one is a Communist and behaving as if one were an ordinary non-Communist. This is a seventh type. 

To see someone harming the interests of the masses and yet not feel indignant, or dissuade or stop him or reason with him, but to allow him to continue. This is an eighth type. 

To work half-heartedly without a definite plan or direction; to work perfunctorily and muddle along--"So long as one remains a monk, one goes on tolling the bell." This is a ninth type. 

To regard oneself as having rendered great service to the revolution, to pride oneself on being a veteran, to disdain minor assignments while being quite unequal to major tasks, to be slipshod in work and slack in study. This is a tenth type. 

To be aware of one's own mistakes and yet make no attempt to correct them, taking a liberal attitude towards oneself. This is an eleventh type. 

We could name more. But these eleven are the principal types.
They are all manifestations of liberalism. Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads. It is an extremely bad tendency. Liberalism stems from petty-bourgeois selfishness, it places personal interests first and the interests of the revolution second, and this gives rise to ideological, political and organizational liberalism. People who are liberals look upon the principles of Marxism as abstract dogma. They approve of Marxism, but are not prepared to practice it or to practice it in full; they are not prepared to replace their liberalism by Marxism. These people have their Marxism, but they have their liberalism as well--they talk Marxism but practice liberalism; they apply Marxism to others but liberalism to themselves. They keep both kinds of goods in stock and find a use for each. This is how the minds of certain people work. Liberalism is a manifestation of opportunism and conflicts fundamentally with Marxism. It is negative and objectively has the effect of helping the enemy; that is why the enemy welcomes its preservation in our midst. Such being its nature, there should be no place for it in the ranks of the revolution. We must use Marxism, which is positive in spirit, to overcome liberalism, which is negative. A Communist should have largeness of mind and he should be staunch and active, looking upon the interests of the revolution as his very life and subordinating his personal interests to those of the revolution; always and everywhere he should adhere to principle and wage a tireless struggle against all incorrect ideas and actions, so as to consolidate the collective life of the Party and strengthen the ties between the Party and the masses; he should be more concerned about the Party and the masses than about any private person, and more concerned about others than about himself. Only thus can he be considered a Communist. All loyal, honest, active and upright Communists must unite to oppose the liberal tendencies shown by certain people among us, and set them on the right path. This is one of the tasks on our ideological front. 

The second step to freeing the Great Jewish Diaspora is to understand that we only have this revolutionary path because of the founders of the Bundist Movement. 

The founders of the Bundist Movement are:
abraham Weizfeld PhD the Chairman of the Revolution.
Dona Newman the Emissary of Solidarity.
Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua the Cleric of Public Relations.

The purpose of the Chairman of the Revolution is to make sure that the revolution is never criminalized, or at least to keep the Revolution legal long enough to gather strength in order to fight back against any coming Totalitarian takeover. The office of the Chairman must protect Jewish honor making him fundamentally at war with Zionism at all times.  

The purpose of the Emissary of Solidarity is organizational structure and to promote solidarity with the Jewish Vanguard and to promote and encourage Solidarity to the allies that most benefit the needs of the Jewish Proletariat. The office of the Emissary must be at odds with Americanism and disrupt attempts to be pacified by reforms even if this means to embrace new allies if other members show her that their Solidarity is true.  

The purpose of the Cleric of Public Relations is to function as good P.R for Bundism but in the more active matter he is to protect the reputation of esoteric matters such as cultural theocracy, mysticism, religiosity, and non-western traditionalism against the reactionary forces of cold science, secular supremacy, christian fundamentalism, and mystical forgery. The office of the Cleric is a position of Jewish Renewal for the Orthodox, the Reform, the Conservative, and the Reconstructionalist this means also that he must have a grasp of other religions and differing cultural norms. He must have a diplomatic tone to scientists, he must know how to unite scientists and mystics against the dangers of creation-science and mystic-charlatanism, but above all he must advocate for coexistence over the notion of communism. 

Now that I have gone over that, I am going to both criticize and take a stand in defense to the founders of the Bundist Movement.

On the Cleric of Public Relations, Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua.

Criticism first; no one understands us better than you, it is you who listen to us and have put forward our ideas to a more public forum. You are a pro at correcting myself, Miriam, Marvin, Hannah, and Uri.
So do you have such a hard time correcting both abraham Weizfeld and Dona Newman?

To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without reporting them, but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened. This is a sixth type.

Ironically that is the one most quoted by yourself, but can you apply it to yourself? I sure hope so. Are you intimidated by the fact that both Dr. Weizfeld and Ms. Newman are older than you? I have a hard time believing this because as for myself, Miriam, Marvin, and Uri we too are older than you, only Hannah is younger than you. You have no problem correcting us when you find any of us in error.

Standing in Defense second; I demand that the accusations thrown at Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua from time to time be put to an end.
Miriam could have defended Comrade Net last month when he was accused of being a Male Chauvinist, so what if Comrade Net is a Masculinist. His sex life also has nothing to do with his Masculinism, his womanizing addiction when in recovery from it or in relapse of have nothing to do with his Masculinism. Keep in mind that Miriam Emesberg is also a Masculinist and even more so than Comrade Net and no one would dare say that she is a male chauvinistic self-hating woman. Miriam is a traditional anti-feminist woman who would not be political if she was able to have children, we forget all the time that not every woman who hates feminism is a self-hating woman, Miriam is also an Atheist so you can not scapegoat her anti-feminism on theocracy, so why attack Comrade Net? Comrade Net has kept his sex life away from work and protected every Jewish woman in the Bundist Movement he has never denied his addiction to women, and I think we often forget that he is also a straight tomgirl and neglect to understand how many women have thrown themselves at him, I have seen this with my own eyes Niggas!!!  Comrade Net has protected women outside of the Jewish community as well. When in Venezuela I could hear both Marvin and Uri speculating as to whether or not Comrade Net is a Macho Chauvinist and I am addressing this now, Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua will even provide disclaimers about himself in fear that someone will hear the wrong things about him and then get the wrong idea, this is shameful. Marvin and Uri need to stop feeding the any notion that would give a misnomer of validity of this his rumor started from a political enemy who was a confirmed Neo-Nazi has anyone forgotten this? Comrade Net's wife is fully aware of his sexual addictions, and I never wanted this to be a public discussion but I refuse to let a rumor started by a Neo-Nazi destroy Comrade Net who also has protected me from Gay bashing, I have even enlisted his protection as of late because I'm getting to old to fight. When my previous Boyfriend was murdered the first person to ask me how I was holding up was Comrade Net. Gossip is against Judaism, never forget this.

On the Emissary of Solidarity, Dona Newman.

Criticism first; despite the progress you have made towards a new dialogue concerning the Christian communities throughout the World you still harbor emotional grudges towards the Church not distinguishing between the Eastern Church and the Western Church. You have been known to even block off conversations when Revolutionary Catholics of many types confront you. You have attacked the Trinity as unchristian even though non-Trinitarian Christianity is disingenuous to the entire Theological context of Christianity which is based in the Christian Bible it self. Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua who has the best grasp of the foundations of Christianity has pointed this out, Miriam Emesberg who has the strongest grip of history knows this and has even proven this to be the case. It is both populist and historical revisionist to attack the Council of Nicaea as elitist, pointing out how according to the Gospels Jesus never said he was divine does not explain away how he says he is one with that divinity, nor does it explain why Jesus praises Thomas for calling him divine. Now obviously we disagree with the Christian doctrine of the Trinity which is clearly based in the Christian Bible it self, but we also disagree with the Wiccan concept of the Trinity that they believe in, yet none of us would attack the beliefs of Wicca. You met the leaders of the Christian Socialist Front and admitted that their cause was essential for World Revolution then turned around the next day and made them the brunt of your jokes. Whenever our closest allies inquire about the Christian Socialist Front you pretend to not be as informed about this as you are. You show great Solidarity and a lack of prejudice, except when it comes to Christians regardless of what type although you have been gracious to Unitarian Christians who always end up plotting against us. Whenever Comrade Net or Miriam give you proof of a Catholic Community usually filled with people of multiethnic background, sometimes even having several African refugees within you fail to look into it.  

To be among the masses and fail to conduct propaganda and agitation or speak at meetings or conduct investigations and inquiries among them, and instead to be indifferent to them and show no concern for their well-being, forgetting that one is a Communist and behaving as if one were an ordinary non-Communist. This is a seventh type.
and of course we are socialist non-communists but the point in context is what it is 

Standing in Defense second; it is despicable how much several Marxist allies accuse Dona Newman of being a reactionary for pointing out that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had been historical revisionists grounded in eurocentricity, she is correct whenever she points this out. Dona Newman utilizes both Marx and Engels when ever it is correct to do so. There are so many linear eurocentric claims made by Marx and Engels that it cripples dialectical materialism it is not historically revisionist to alter dialectical materialism when an incorrect line is being pushed. Her support of the Mexica Movement is also correct, it does not matter that they are nonviolent, as loyal citizens to whatever Country we live in we need to translate this in revolutionary terms and by this we know that our loyalty is to the indigenous of this Continent. We are for self-defense instead of nonviolence as we owe a debt as Jewry in the first World and we expect a debt payed to us, but this also means we are to protect the nonviolent. Dona Newman is not incorrect to push the line that the Mexica Movement is the Vanguard of the indigenous activists regardless if they recognize their own Socialism or not.   

On the Chairman of the Revolution, abraham Weizfeld PhD.

Criticism first; let me start by saying that I know full well that Muammar Gaddafi became a disconnected fool who at times was reactionary, I even know about the fascists that he let into his Country, and I know this not just because Marvin Eliyahu told me about it, I know because my Boyfriend is Libyan. You have made public statements saying that the people of Libya supported NATO, but this is not true. No one in Libya except counter-intelligence agents supported NATO. When Gaddafi lied about many things, it was wrong. But the outcome of what happened to Libya as a result of Imperialist invasion is wrong. Now I know that you support the program of Jamahiriya and that you even have improved versions of this in mind, I know that you are a supporter of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, I am your biggest Comrade in that regards. But you need to make corrections to things you have publicly said that I suspect of being emotional rather than reasonable. You should admit that you were mistaken to support the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi as I know that you do not like the outcome of what has resulted from that Imperialist invasion.

To indulge in personal attacks, pick quarrels, vent personal spite or seek revenge instead of entering into an argument and struggling against incorrect views for the sake of unity or progress or getting the work done properly. This is a fifth type. 

Another criticism I make is that you don't call yourself Palestinian, I would have hoped that Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua would have convinced you to say that you are a Palestinian. As you are fully aware Dr. Weizfeld you can have more than one National identity.
You do more than just live with Palestinians, they let you speak for them, something they never let a non-Palestinian do. Do you realize that they consider you to be Palestinian? You are a Jewish Palestinian! I really wish you could come see us in Arizona Chairman Weizfeld because dare I say it I am positive I could talk to you man to man and we would have a lot in common in the Inter-National struggle. You are Jewish. You are Palestinian. That is a good thing, the original Neturei Karta were also Jewish Palestinians and let us not forget that you know the Samaritans and their cultural history is tied to Jewish history. You are a Jewish Palestinian, learn more Arabic and own it.

Standing in Defense second; I would like to make clear that none of us support Bernie Sanders for President. Now that being said I am going to defend the cause of abraham Weizfeld pushing for us to vote for Bernie Sanders. That is not reactionary or revisionist of him in any way. I know that all five of us of the Bund Council Staff had been relieved when Dona Newman came out saying that she like the rest of us would not vote for Bernie Sanders and then this gave Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua the incentive to say what he actually thought about Bernie Sanders, it is just as complicated as we suspected. I wish everyone would stop getting scared of abraham Weizfeld's proposals to support Bernie Sanders, that is what the Chairman of the Revolution is suppose to do, he is suppose to encourage the legal strategies in what ever way he finds to be credible. So if we find that a Bernie Sanders presidency would kill Revolutionary spirit and Dr. Weizfeld does not understand why, just remember that all we have to do is translate what Dr. Weizfeld says into a material aim in a way that does not contradict our logic. Obviously this means that we need to gain control over the Jewish left in America make sure that it is us who puts the questions to Bernie Sanders publicly on record. We need to get to work on these questions, we also need to pressure Democrats to denounce the Right-Wing populist notions of Gun Control, if this pressure is ineffective we move on. We most likely will move on anyway, but let me remind everyone that while we all promote Eco-Socialism it was Dr. Weizfeld who actually campaigned for Eco-Socialism in Quebec, anyone who fails to realize how revolutionary Dr. abraham Weizfeld truly is, proves to be ignorant of the struggle.   

White Nationalism is on the rise and the Christchurch mosque shootings were indeed terrorist attacks at mosques. This took place in Christchurch, New Zealand, during Friday Prayer on March 15, 2019. We need to stop talking about nonviolence and Gun Control, the State is undemocratic and we speak for our selves and must get armed, the Police are White supremacists and any talk of Gun Control or nonviolence will end in anew Holocaust, just keeping this real.

Free the Jewish Proletariat from Zionist neocolonial exportation and Americanist assimilation via western christian supremacy.

Wherever we are, that is our homeland, we are from here.

Hereness not Elsewhereness.

Free the Diaspora with Proletarian Doikeit.

By Isaiah P. Kamatstein 


  1. I did and do support the revolutionary overthrow of Kadhafi after he rose on the roof to proclaim the validity of his using force to suppress the protests based on the old King Idris Constitution which he had torn up in 1972. The failure to convoke a Constitutional Assembly was the first failure, as if the Green Book was sufficient to use as a Constitution. When I was indifferent to the NATO intervention I was in error and should have been organizing protests in the name of the Jamahiriya, since I was and still am the North American organizer of the Direct Democracy movement and the Libyan Jamahiriya.

    As for PAlestine I do identity here as Yehudi-Filistini. Outsie of PAlestine I had not thought to do so since my Arabic is so poor and it would seem to be a caricature. In Nablus and some villages as well I am known as being Yehudi and yet accepted as Palestinian. Even the Ministry of the Interior agents at the airport know me as being from Nablus.

    As for Saif Al-Islam Kadhafi, I would support him as the upcoming presidentital candidate even though I oppose the position of President as a liberal blockage to the Jamahiriya. I remember seeing him speak at the 1996 international protest at his bombed out house when his adopted sister was killed.

    Likewise I support Bernie Sanders as the Presidential candidate. We had an elaborated discussion of this position in the Internet conversation with Net and Daniel Miller. This is the first opportunity to present socialism to the American USA public since Eugene V. Debbs of the 30's and to dismiss it as a diversion is folly and opens the door to fascism. It is not actually Sanders that is the issue since it is the movment tht he has initiated for Socialism that is the important matter. Within such a movement a programme can be injected and a dynamic created that goes beyond the election and even Sanders himself. However he has brought up Palestinian self-determination and the Apartheid nature of Israel in spite of efforts to make such talk illegal.

    Currently the threats and attacks that we have received and are subject to indicate that we are a major challenge to those tendencies which cannot account for the Jewish Bundist position. The fascist attack on the Jewish People by using Anti-Zionist rhetoric initiated by Israel Shamir and subsequently by Gilad Atzmon is easily absorbed by the populist mind of today which talks of 'Jewish Supremacy' even though Zionism cannot even accept the Yiddish language. Using Zionist claims to represent the Jewish People as a whole as the basis for an Anti-Zionist position is a contradiction in itself. Zionism lies now and always has when it used the Territorialist programme slogan of 'A Land Without a People for a People without a Land' and twisting it to become a war on another Nation which is more closely related to the original Jewish residents of Kana'an than the Ashken'azim. We are making a brakthrough into the consciousness of the Jewish and general movements now and we shall continue to do so.

    At this time the greatest threat is from the CIA-backed General Haftar advancing on Benghazi and Sirt. The Tripoli government of national reconciliation has sent 5,000 troops to Sirt to block this advance.

    1. This is Iasiah P. Kamatstein.
      Thank you for your reply.
      I have a couple lines of difference and agreement I would like to share with you.

      First, if we justify his overthrow we should be against his execution. Muammar Gaddafi deserved a trial by the law of Jamahiriyah. The Libyan People could have won by the demanding a correction to the prostitution that started to infest the country and won.
      Second if he was to be executed the way in which he was executed was unethical and barbaric.

      On the matter of his reactionary Monarchy, Ronald Reagan had no right to invade and his one of his family.

      If a People's uprising had happened before Imperialist invasion ever according it would have been much better.

      He was wrong to get rid of Libya's nukes.

      He should have switched to clean energy and helped Venezuela do the same, a Post-Soviet Socialist Coalition would have helped.
      It would have even been better than Marxist rule.

      These Countries struggle so badly today.

      One thing that he did correct even after going into his reactionary Monarchy was uplift Africa, that should have continued.

      Jamahiriyah should be the model for North Africa and the Arab lands.

      Russia should reinstate the original Soviet Union, this time with respect to Bundism.

      And the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists dissent in China should bring back their system with a bit more acceptance for Confucianism, a system exploited by the Emperor yet not genuinely Confucian.

      I understand why you back Bernie Sanders, that is why I defended you for doing such. We may not be able to ethically vote for anyone, but we can take control of the political awakening that Sanders has inspired.

      Saif al-Islam Gaddafi should be encouraged to bring back Jamahiriyah. But first he will need a bit of democratic-centralism to repress reactionary forces in the country.
      And if the Gaddafi family feels themselves special then they should be allowed to uplift all of Africa and the Arab lands after Libya is restored. A further Direct Democracy plan is necessary. The best answer is to rebel against reactionaries, to institute education and liberation.

      By the way I wrote again to today this is the link . . .

      Daniel Miller is being educated as the Minister of Antifa Legacy. Comrade Net even asks his advice, and good way to make things work is for us to work like that.

      There are supposed to be four miniseries.

      1. Ministry of Antifa Legacy.
      2. Ministry of Syndicalism.
      3. Ministry of Shtelt.
      4. Ministry of Counter-Lobbies.

      Dona Newman and Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua must stay in dialogue with you to further how our Vanguard words. Once we have 12 members we can talk about how to expand from there. I have not seen the threats yet, I am not even sure if me and the other Council members are ready to see them yet. But I know there was mail sent to the office when Dona Newman was in the city of Tucson.

  2. "First, if we justify his overthrow we should be against his execution" Of course.. Kadhafi should have been required to explain why and how he was able to stash 20B$ i Canadian banks, 15B$ in NYC banks and 20B$ in Swiss banks. Thanks for the 15B$ to the African Union but that is not enough.

    1. I think that may have been something the Western forces wanted to prevent from public knowledge, Gaddafi may have said to much that would have harmed Western Powers.
      It is good to confirm that you have a more complicated outlook than you typically let on, I suspected as much given different things I have herd you say before.
      Hopefully we will see you in Arizona.

  3. There is much more to be said about the Libyan events and the continuing struggle underway at this time.
    During the unrest in Libya during Kadhafi's period in power there was no principled opposition as there should of been. The popular opposition was easily coopted by the NATO agenda. (NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)
    The mechanism to form an opposition to the whims of Kadhafi existed in the form of the 'Revolutionary Committees'which were set up by the adherents of the Green Book with each committee being an autonomous body capable of making its own criticisms - but none of the committees in Libya did do so. The members were accustomed to accept the practices of Kadhafi without criticism. The second error of the Committees was to consider that the Kadhafi State would endure and criticism would do no good but only harm the one who made the criticisms. The Revolutionary Committees existed internationally as well and were built by way of the round table discussions that were held in Tripoli with the new adherents of the Jamahiriya.
    In North America the Revolutionary Committee was and is the Direct Democracy Movement, which has a group and page on FaceBook as well as an automated email List for discussions.
    The Libyan revolution should have continued by way of the Revoluitionary Committeesbut it did not. To have allowed NATO and the local undefined opposition to assume control of the process in the chaos of the time to destroy the defences of Libya and so allow for the takeover of the oil production by private interests was fatal. We and myself in particular allowed this to occur without public opposition when we could have exposed the NATO scheme. We were submerged by the speed with which the occupation of Libya took place. We were not ready for this counter-revolution both in terms of numbers and psychologically by overestimating the strength of the Jamaihiriya.
    The organisational problem of the Revolutionary Committees was that we had not way to communicate with one another. The information on each Committee was centralised and inaccessible. Another failure was the centralized leadership of the RTs which seemed to be under the direction of one person, Jamal, who prior to the chaos died in a car accident, or perhaps was assassinated.
    The NATO strategy fell into place with the traitor Haftar who assumed the title of General and took the financing to build up an army that attacked successfully in the eastern municipalities and which has attempted to overthrow the remaining legal administration in Tripoli named the Government of National Accord (GNA) located in Tripoli. The GNA is without a military forcews and relies on the militias that developed when the army stocks were opened to the public in an effort to arm the population and so defend the Jamahiriya. The opportunistic and tribal militias did however manage to unite and repell the advance of the NATAO traitor army of HAftar who claims legitimacy through the Libyan House of Representatives in Benghazi.
    The singular proposal now resting and supported by the UNO (United Nationas ORganization) is for a national election. Even Saif Al-Islam Khadafi has announced his intention to become a presidential candidate. Saif is of course a great source of the intial problem in the bureaucratic State system set up and had personal control over the telecommunicaptions of the country and its revenues. However, his detention by the Tunusi tribe may have woken him up. Of course such an election, when possible, is merely a liberal mechanism that allows for the bourgeois forces to buy the election but it nonetheless opens a door to further developments.

    The Green Movement of the Jamahiryia continues to be found at
