Bundist Movement

Bundist Movement
Jewish NOT Zionist

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Judaism Defined

By: Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua 

I am under the impression that Dr. abraham Weizfeld was unable to experience Purim.
All of the members of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement have been very busy, Purim seemed to have been a great experience for most of us, yet it seems unlikely that Dr. abraham Weizfeld was even able to observe this High Holiday. But for what it is worth, he is the Mordecai of Palestine right now. He was recently at the Grave of Arafat, I hope to show all of you the picture soon.


Jewish customs are customs of Human Rights and Social Justice.
Judaism is the Torah Culture and the Religious Covenant of Moses.
That is to say Judaism is the intellectual culture of Torah ethics and the Covenant oriented religiosity of Moses Our Teacher.
Human Rights are always trampled under foot by those who would deem themselves Monarchs and Oligarchs over the rest of Humanity, a true Queen is a Mother teaching to a World the Virtues that will never be destroyed, a true King is a Scholar leading a population to the Glory of Mutual Benefit, if a King deems himself to be a Monarch then he is no King at all, so to if a Queen deems herself to be a Despot then she is no Queen at all; for a Kingdom is based on piety and the only eternal truth proven for sure is that a Pious Covenant will last from Generation to Generation so long as we can cherish the cycle of life and seek not to escape our mortality thus ensuring the doom of the next generation, Humans are Social Beings in need of constant exchange of one another and by this we find purpose.
Social Justice abolishes the System of Slavery and instead promotes Equality Among Mankind through cultural ethics by learning from generation to generation revealing evident truths, Judaism teaches Rehabilitation and Community Service instead of Slavery this is the source of rehabilitation of criminals, this is the Torah Culture.
Human Rights are determined by the Codification of Mitzvahs, the Jewish People whether by Myth, History, or Both are bonded by an ancient orientation founded by a word on Mount Sinai, this word is Covenant, from this we remember the purpose of Humanity is to love one another, Seek Peace and Pursue it, for in this Jewry is a light unto the Nations, for Judaism is built upon the piety of these Mitzvahs that forbid assault without provocation and by this we know the Covenant oriented religiosity of Moses Our Teacher.

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