Bundist Movement

Bundist Movement
Jewish NOT Zionist

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Photos From Dounia In The West Bank: Part 1

By: Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua 

First of all I would like to give my deepest thanks to the French Journalist who has granted me permission to utilize her work so that I may give you this information with a bit of fresh detail. 

Everyone of these photos has been provided by Dounia who is in the West Bank right now. 

As events continue to become more terrifying for the indigenous Palestinian population, the stances and messages of Dr. Weizfeld is gaining ground, with another cameraman confirming his work from another angle, all of this is given a deeper sense of reality. 

I would like all of you to see the message communicated in these photos, and let it sink in.
The uncertain future of Palestine is what is being undermined.
Now to those of you who claim to truly care about The Palestinian Struggle and The Final Defeat of Zionism, it is to you that I am showing this.
Dounia has been working very closely with Dr. abraham Weizfeld in the West Bank.
This is a photo of Dr. abraham Weizfeld taken by Dounia:
And this is also a picture of Dr. abraham Weizfeld taken by Dounia:

This is a picture taken at the Village of Kufr Kadoum.
This was on a Saturday - June 6th, 2017.
The names of these Palestinian kids are anonymous, the reason for this is because Palestinian children are being arrested, killed, humiliated at a almost daily rate and this is all despite age.
The ages of these children are Seven and Five.
The only crime they have committed is defending their own land from brutal occupation:

December 6th, 2017 was the day that nightmares came true, this was the day that the Holy City that once belong to three great Religions was crudely and maliciously handed over to the last remaining Apartheid State in the World. The backlash from Palestinians continues and these are a set of photos taken during a demonstration on December 23rd, 2017:

I have already made the matter understood on several occasions to friends and people who visit my in-Person Forums that the Israeli Military  brutalizes civilians on a daily basis, I have also tried to explain that the "rubber bullets" are not rubber, these bullets are actually metal with plastic wrapped around the metal part. This is Qassam a fifteen year old male, he was hit by a so-called "rubber bullet" in his eye about a month and a half ago, he lost the sight of an eye, two weeks ago they hit him again with a live bullet in the thigh:

This post is only Part 1, Part 2 is coming soon . . .

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