Bundist Movement

Bundist Movement
Jewish NOT Zionist

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Miriam Emesberg: I dreamed once that I had a ran a house and that I had twelve Sons and one Daughter.

By Miriam Emesberg 

I dreamed once that I had a house and that I had twelve Sons and one Daughter.
Now I know that this dream was childish. I conclude that this was a dream based on Torah Myth, my subconscious was falling into a girlish fantasy. And I say to the readers of this blog, be not troubled for indeed I shall go further into this.
I am not the mother of the twelve Sons of Jacob, and Dinah is not my Daughter.
Jacob had two wives.
Or perhaps two wives and two concubines.
Or maybe four wives.
I suppose this depends on how you read into the text.
Knowing this how could I compare to Rachel.
Nonviolence goes hand in hand with Stockholm syndrome.
Support the Troops! Disarm the Poor!
America First! Fuck the World!
Turn the other cheek to the Blue lives! Exploit the Third and Fourth World!
Nonviolence goes hand in hand with Stockholm syndrome.
Support Feminism! Blacks need to Get Over It!
Liberation for Women via Pro-Choice! Disarm Mothers!
Scream "Me Too"! Support Pornographic Human Trafficking!
Nonviolence goes hand in hand with Stockholm syndrome.
Rip off the hijab off a Muslim Women! Claim that it is Liberation!
Attack Judaism with Antisemitic tropes! Love Feminist Israel!
Say that only Nonviolence is moral! Then outlaw all of the tactics used by the Nonviolent!
Hannah Toff and me struggle on many subjects.
Yet I can truly say that Hannah Toff is becoming my best friend.
Marvin Eliyahu and Uri Adiah are best friends and roommates.
When I met Hannah Toff we had common ground yet we truly hated each other.
Things have changed over time.
We both reject Feminism for its White roots.
The difference of course is that she advocates for egalitarianism, a notion incompatible with the Old World.
Feminism is war on tradition.
Egalitarianism is from the Natives of the American Continent.
Masculinism is the defense of the organic and traditional.  
I wear a scarf and I hate the stupid Pro-Choice Crusade of individualism.
Whenever I mention that I am not Pro-Choice, I get accused of being Pro-Life.
Traditionally the position of Judaism on abortion is not Pro-Life or Pro-Choice.
Traditionally the position of Judaism on abortion is Pro-Circumstance.
It is rather suspicious to me that the number one advocates of Pro-Choice are always Men.
I am a Masculinist because the number one place we need to be regressive is on this issue.
Male Chauvinism is European in origin, the Non-European World, with perhaps China as the rare exception has not been male chauvinist.
Men are Men.
Women are Women.
Transgenders are not the problem, but Feminists are.
Every time a Woman like myself defends the traditions the Feminists come to speak in my name.
I live in Arizona and I lost my friend who lives with me, she has become rather intolerant of my views lately and she is going Zionist all of a sudden. One of the things that Liberal supporters of BDS don't like to mention is that Zionism and Feminism have a very strong shared history with each other. I am making plans to move into an Apartment with Hannah Toff and that will not be to hard as her lease will be ending in a matter of months. I can tolerate Sexual Egalitarianism but I declare war on Feminism. I used to know a Trans-Woman who lived in Mesa and she was understandably very Anti-Mormon which makes perfect sense as Anti-Mormon spells Pro-Human. She used to always say that Feminists are the cancer in the LGBT Movement and she would be accused of all kinds of things for saying this. Representation for LGBT and Women of every stripe does not exist, as long as Feminists speak in our name this will not be changing. It is also Cis-Men who lead the charge against organic gender roles. No one makes the statement "There is no physical or emotional difference between Men and Women." that very cold statement just shows how disconnected Cis-Men tend to be.
I used to dream that I had a house and that I had twelve Sons and one Daughter.
I need to protect other Women who seek to do the same. 
I look at the future of the World, I think we are doomed.
Feminists in Arizona claim that Men are oppressing Women even though the State of Arizona continues to protect single Mothers while the single Fathers are usually left with nothing.
Feminists say that traditional homes like the ones in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities are the greatest threat to LGBT even though the organic roles of Men and Women are not the threat to LGBT, the threat to LGBT is Homophobia and Transphobia.
We are ever so doomed, in this climate of hate. I dreamed once that I had a ran a house and that I had twelve Sons and one Daughter, it was a foolish girlish dream, if I was married I would have a Husband to protect me and because I never will I must get armed.

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